Schools and Healthcare
We now support nine schools with 3,000 pupils in the Conservancy area to help provide essential facilities and extra equipment for the children.
- BUSHY PARK Primary and Secondary Schools
- CHIWODZA Primary and Secondary Schools
- GUTSARUZHINJI Primary School at Pauldale Ranch
- GZUZU Primarey and Secondary School
- KAGUVI Primary School at Mopani Park
- MSENA Primary School at Msena Ranch
- RHINO ZIBAGWE Secoindary School at Rockvale Ranch
- SEBAKWE Primary School
- TAGWIREYI Primary School at Rockvale Ranch
All of these schools have problems and are struggling to give the children a good education. They were all initially primary schools teaching children from 5 to 12 years old but several are now secondary schools in 2007 with pupils studying for their ‘O’ levels.
In the country areas of Zimbabwe, the people rely on the local medical clinics to resolve their health problems. A State Registered Nurse who deals with first aid, accidents, delivering babies and everyday ailments, usually runs these clinics.
School Reports
All the teachers are dedicated to ensuring that all the children in their care are educated. Despite the lack of modern classrooms, they have very high standards for which they should be highly commended.
All of these schools are in desperate need of exercise books, text books, reading books, maps, pens, pencils, crayons, art and handcraft materials, sports equipment and gardening tools.