
Schools and Healthcare


We now support nine schools with 3,000 pupils in the Conservancy area to help provide essential facilities and extra equipment for the children.

  • BUSHY PARK Primary and Secondary Schools
  • CHIWODZA Primary and Secondary Schools
  • GUTSARUZHINJI Primary School at Pauldale Ranch
  • GZUZU Primarey and Secondary School
  • KAGUVI Primary School at Mopani Park
  • MSENA Primary School at Msena Ranch
  • RHINO ZIBAGWE Secoindary School at Rockvale Ranch
  • SEBAKWE Primary School
  • TAGWIREYI Primary School at Rockvale Ranch

All of these schools have problems and are struggling to give the children a good education. They were all initially primary schools teaching children from 5 to 12 years old but several are now secondary schools in 2007 with pupils studying for their �O� levels.


In the country areas of Zimbabwe, the people rely on the local medical clinics to resolve their health problems. A State Registered Nurse who deals with first aid, accidents, delivering babies and everyday ailments, usually runs these clinics.